Sunday, July 1, 2012

In Celebration of Canada Day

To celebrate the day, I thought I would go on a walk-a-bout.  I wanted to search the countryside and see what I could find in the colors of the day ~ red and white.

This is what I found.  

You got to admit, the leaves do look kind of maple leaf-ish.  What do you think?

Happy Birthday Canada!


  1. A nice idea for a Canada Day Walkabout. Pretty picture!

  2. July 1th...

    -chuckle- They look very Maple-leaf-ish!!!

    Thank you so much, for coming to my blog today, and commenting. Betcha' you saw my kinda'-rant today in comments in Vee's "A Haven For Vee," and popped over, to see what this "grumpy Auntie" was about. -gigggles-

    Thank you for telling me which 'symbols' you can see on your computer, and which you can not. Thank you very much.

    That's all I was asking anyone to do..... Simply tell me what 'symbols' they could see, and what they could not.

    And the fact that lots more Visits were made to my blog entry, than comments telling me, an answer to my question....... Was what *had my panties in a twist.*

    -more gigggles-

    Gentle hugs,

    1. Thank you for visiting my blog....and yes I did see your rant on Vee's blog so had to come see what it was all about.

      Will have to visit again!


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