Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I'm looking for........

Green Evidence

I am looking for green evidence,
Brown and white have done their time,
It is time for the green.

I have seen the ducks swim,
I have seen the geese fly,
I have even seen a robin in a tree.

It is green evidence.
I am looking for green evidence,
It is way overdue.

I have seen a blade of grass,
I have seen a weed or two,
I have even seen a butterfly.

It is green evidence.
I am looking for green evidence.
I am so longing for green.

April is near gone,
We are going into May,
It is time to see green.

Don't you agree?


  1. My first comment went into cyberspace and vanished...
    I do remember saying that I really liked your poem.

    What I found interesting is that on Vancouver Island the grass stays green all year, even when covered with snow! So when coming back to the prairies in April, it was easily noticed that the green was still missing!


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